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a practitioner talking to a goup of young men

Improving mens mental health one day at a time...

Building Visions,
Shaping The Future

Young Men

Can't Wait...

Every young person deserves the chance to lead a full, healthy, happy life without the worry about "what will I do if...". At present, suicide is the number 1 killer of men under the age of 40 and a leading cause of death for Children and Young People. Young males are 3x more likely to carry out suicide compared to their female peers and 46.8% of adolescent males struggling with mental health disorders, reported attempting suicide or self-harming.

They're waiting for support. They're waiting for somebody to ask "how can I help?". They're waiting for somebody to take their needs seriously.
Nothing is there for them - the waiting lists are too long (up to 12 months for an initial appointment), the services are inadequate, they don't know how to get help... and when they finally reach out? They get told "we have no appointments right now, we'll be in touch".

That is where we step in.

The Mental Shift is a Community Interest Company that uses the power of education to provide support around mental health and violent crime. We work with schools and gyms to offer various programs tailored to the issues young men face on a daily basis.

The work we carry out is based on the lived experience of our founding director, Kai Leighton, who at the age of 17 created what is now one of the fastest growing CIC's in the United Kingdom.


We offer a holistic approach to support and education around mental health and more...


Students Educated


Young Men Supported


Young People Reached


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